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Why You Need Rack Mount Patch Panels

Why You Need Rack Mount Patch Panels

What are Rack Mount Patch Panels used for?

5G is Here - 4 Things You Need to Know

5G is Here - 4 Things You Need to Know

5G switch over happened on the 28th June, but what happens now?

Freeview Channel Update - The Changes You Need To Know

Freeview Channel Update - The Changes You Need To Know

As of the end of June 22 changes were made to Freeview. Here is what you need to know…

5 Reasons You Need a Multi-Monitor Set-Up

5 Reasons You Need a Multi-Monitor Set-Up

Moving from a single monitor to a dual-monitor or triple-monitor setup will transform the way you use your PC, whether you're trying to expand your screen space for gaming or productivity. You may not only switch between applications without using any fiddly keyboard shortcuts, but you can even rotate screens to better suit the work at hand, depending on the monitor.

4 Things to Consider When Getting CCTV

4 Things to Consider When Getting CCTV

With crime rising 14% in recent years, a decent surveillance system can help you keep track of who comes and goes at all times. You might be considering installing a CCTV camera system to improve your home security.

Here are a few things to think about if you're thinking about purchasing CCTV cameras for your business or home.

What is the Best Streaming Stick?

What is the Best Streaming Stick?

Media streaming sticks have become part of the modern AV setup due to their ability to house all streaming Apps and be a simple one-stop show for everyone's streaming needs. 

But not all media streamers are the same. The best media streamers will provide a total and endless supply of TV shows, films, and music but there are performance differences too. Some look and sound better than others.

Whether it's Netflix, TV, Disney+, Apple, or some other service, a service dedicated it's a media streamer's job to deliver them.

With more competition in the market than ever, prices are low, standards are high and any gaps in their app offerings could be a killer weakness.

That's why we're asking the question, what is the best streaming stick? 

How Fast is 5G?

How Fast is 5G?

The hype surrounding 5G networks, the fifth generation of mobile network technology, has been building for years. All of the major 5G carriers have begun to roll out their initial "national" networks and plan to expand their reach and capabilities.

3 Ways to Make Fibre Internet Even Faster

3 Ways to Make Fibre Internet Even Faster

In a Wi-Fi world, slow internet speeds are simply not an option. From streaming TV to online gameplay, having too much bandwidth is never a bad thing. But what options do you have if your supposed ‘fast internet’ isn't up to speed?

What Resolution Do I Need for My Security Camera?

What Resolution Do I Need for My Security Camera?

A security camera is a sensible investment when it comes to your commercial or residential property. However, it is useless if your resolution isn't up to scratch. The resolution of your camera has many benefits and improves the overall quality of the images it picks up. But what is the best resolution for your security camera?

Let's find out…

Do I Need Network Cabling In My House?

Do I Need Network Cabling In My House?

In the 21st century, we can't afford to have sluggish internet connections. From streaming and downloading content to Zoom calls and working from home, we need our many devices to be running as fast as possible, at all times. 

Whilst we live in a wireless world, installing a data cable is still a popular decision among property developers. This is because it is seen as an investment, as 52% of families are put off living in or buying a house that has WiFi black spots. 

With this being the case, the question is, do you need network cabling in your house?